独在异乡为异客, 每逢佳节倍思亲。 遥知兄弟登高处, 遍插茱萸少一人。


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2003年8月30日 发布



  Today, we received a letter from Ms. Liu, a lady from Cangzhou city of Hubei province, who is looking forward to finding her parents. We announced the letter and want to offer some help to realize the dream of the foreign lady who was born in China.. If someone kind knows any clue, please let us know, we really appreciate your help.

  The following is from Ms. Liu, who wants to find for her parents:

  Female, 38 years old. Round about the year of 1967, when I was about 3or 4 years old., I went astray when I was playing hide-and-seek with my parents at Beijing station. It's 35 years since then. In my memories my father is a foreigner, and my mother is a Chinese. They both worked in embassy or foreign organization in China. I am the only daughter of the family. My grandfather is the king of some country. If my parents both alive, they are more than 60 years old. If someone knows any clue, please help me, any supports and help would be appreciated. I am anxious and dying to find my parents for the family reunion.

  Since some understanding reason, Ms. Liu hoped we don't announce the way for communicating with her. If some one finds any clue, please contact us, we will inform Ms.Liu at once.
Thanks for help!

  The contacted number of our site (for 24 hours open): 13955003997.
  Email address: xrqs@xrqs.com





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